Friday, May 27, 2016

Bricks in the Barnyard

     You may remember back in September when my quilt guild hosted Bonnie Hunter for a trunk show and two days of workshops.  The first day was Bricks in the Barnyard and the second, Smith Mountain Morning.  I had a bin full of homespuns, so knew I wanted to use them in Bricks, but had decided to do a smaller version.  How many large quilts does a woman need?  It has only been a year or so since I did the Split Nine Patch in the barn raising setting, so wanted a different setting for this one.  Here is what I chose.  

I really like it, though not so crazy about the error I made.  I had made it to that corner with the quilting when I discovered it, although it took me awhile to decide what was wrong with it.  Can you see it?  What did I do wrong?  

Do you ever just want something finished?  I was working on that braid border and was so over it.  So I just quit!  Sometimes we just have to take charge.  There are no quilt police.  So I seamed my two partially built braids together (that was a trick which involved some partial seaming) and put them in the center of the backing.  The sides are unbleached muslin ( I bought a bolt of that in one of my moments of insanity).   

I will admit, though, that nothing highlights your quilting like muslin.  

Done is better than perfect.  Now I can 
keep on stitching'

1 comment:

  1. You reversed the light and dark HST's, I think. Nice quilt either way.


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