The last patent date is 1876. It is a "Domestic", which was absorbed into the White Sewing Machine Company in the early 1900's. The following pictures are of things discovered inside. It was a treasure trove.

This was in the drawer. It is a card called a spool zoo. You could cut out the hippo and glue to each end of a wooden spool to make a toy hippo. The copyright date is 1931. Apparently, you could collect several different animals.
Here is a picture of other things in the drawers, they were stuffed.
Here's the pretty treadle irons
The top has "Domestic" stenciled on the front.
I ordered a belt for it, but haven't put it on yet, but it's been oiled well and is moving freely. Adjusting that leaf tension will probably be a challenge. I need to do a little research on it. Anyone out there with some experience with them is welcome to advise me.
I've been obsessed with finishing the Grand Illusion mystery quilt. I finally finished all 25 blocks today, so can start putting it together. 25 blocks doesn't sound like so many until you realize that each block contains 52 pieces.
I still have sashing, cornerstones, a solid border and a pieced border to do before it is done, but can see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. The good news is that I was making units for the Split Nine Patch as leaders and enders while sewing GI blocks. Eventually I'll get back to that.
I just need to
Keep on Stichin'