I've had some great luck with my picking lately. One of our local shops is having a moving sale and I found some great items there. Here are some examples:

A Composition Book filled with clippings of poetry, many by Edgar A. Guest. Most of the copyright dates are 1936 or '37. There is a little white tag on the spine with the handwritten title "Miss Ellen". I am assuming that is the owner of the book.
Here is an example of Mr. Guest's work;
Now when it comes to comfort and sleeping well at night,
There's nothing so important as the choice 'twixt wrong and right,
For there's nothing so conducive to a seven or eight hours' rest
As the satisfactory knowledge that you've done you very best.
And this adorable little tea set. Not so vintage as I usually like, but so cute. Now if Zeke would only consent to have a spot of tea with me.
I don't know if you can see this, but the roof is a book cover, the spine on the top.
And a thirteen star Colonial flag to keep company with my 48 star flag.
Little oil cans of different shapes.
A set of billiard balls, then found the frame at the Red Apron Sale in Liberty on Saturday.

Also, at the Red Apron Sale, an autograph book from 1946. It even has suggestions for the signer in case they have writer's block;
"He who is true to one friend thus proves himself worthy of many."
"May the hinges of our Friendship never rust." "It takes half our lives to learn who our friends are and the other half to keep them."
The Red Apron Sale (see it on Facebook) is held once a month by a group of approximately 30 crafters/collectors of vintage and repurposed items. It is held on the outskirts of Liberty, MO. Lots of fun! I saw lots of stuff I liked, lots of ideas for crafting, interesting vintage items, etc. I hope to go back sometime soon.
If you haven't signed up for the flag tumbler giveaway, do it now. I will close the sign- up tomorrow. Leave a comment or click the "follow" button to enter.
Keep on Stitchin'